Movie poster
Art direction
Creative direction
Memento by Christopher Nolan
Of course this project was done in a classroom since as a mere mortal I have not access to the greatest director Christopher Nolan (LOL).
I keep him in mind while working on the poster because the task were to re-design the original press pieces and develop a new concept for the relaunching film on 2019 almost seventeen years later of it's premiere
Again the use of visual rhetoric were mandatory in this project. I choose once again the hyperbole to exaggerate the crazy writing that the main character had.
Long story short the protagonist's wife were kill when two burglars breaks into their house and now he want to catch the one that actually comete the murder but he suffer a kind of amnesia that makes him forgot what he did the previous day. Leonard, the main character, develop a serie of skills to take notes of what he discover during the day. He take photos with a polaroid camera and tattoo herself clues and notes with ink of broken pens and razor blades. The juicy of the film is that the history is told backwards so the ending of one scene is the beginning of the previous scene and also the time is divide in past and present with color and black and white filters.
I kept the saturation of the film on the press-book and as Leonard I leave notes on the edge of each page and in one point I over exceed the page to show how the character were feeling at that time in the movie.
Una vez más el uso de retórica era obligatorio en la materia. Elegí la hipérbole para exagerar la intensa escritura del personaje principal.
En resumen la película se trata del asesinato de la esposa del personaje principal, Leonard. A ella la asesinan cuando unos ladrones entran a su casa y Leonard recibe un golpe que lo deja con pérdida de memoria de corto plazo. Este problema de salud le dificulta encontrar a los ladrones que atacaron a su esposa. Entonces Leonard desarrolla una serie de habilidades para no olvidarse lo que investigó el día anterior. Empieza a tatuarse pistar y notas sobre su piel con tinta de lapiceras y una rasuradora, también saca fotos y escribe notas. Lo interesante de la película es cómo esta contada, el final de cada escena es el principio de la anterior. También esta dividido en paso y presente por medio de escenas en color y otras en blanco y negro.
Mantuve la saturación de la película en el press-book y tambien utilice el recurso de dejar notas escritas a mano en las páginas para agregar otro elemento a la composición.